Tuesday, June 10, 2008

National Kommitteewoman Endorsement: Sandy Greiner

This Saturday Iowa Republicans will elect a new National Kommitteewoman at the state konvention. The two main candidates are State Representative Sandy Greiner, and Iowa Right to Life President Kim Lehman.

For me the choice is simple, there is only ONE Krustacean in the race and that’s Sandy Greiner. As an avid reader of this blog, I’m confident that she is prepared to represent Iowa Republicans on a national level.

Now this is really nothing to joke about. Our National Kommitteewoman will be one of the few voices defending Iowa’s First in the Nation status. Now I was able to get my hands on both Sandy’s and Kim’s letters, below is the main point each make.

Sandy Greiner

“One of the greatest challenges Iowa will face in the future is protecting our “First in the Nation” Caucus status. It will be the responsibility of the Iowa National Committeeman and the Iowa National Committeewoman to see that Iowa’s interests are voiced clearly and concisely when those decisions are made.

Iowa’s Caucus status is not only the responsibility of our Committee people. Equally important will be the effort to rebuild our party in order to regain Majorities in the Legislature and Congress, as well as reclaiming Terrace Hill.”

Kim Lehman

“The most important job for the National Committeeman and National Committeewoman is to represent Iowa and maintain our position as first in the nation. Being first in the nation is a long tradition and very important to Iowa politics. The Nation looks to us to kick off the presidential election cycle, a role that has become our identity.”

Both of these letters are fine, but I think Sandy’s experience as a legislator in invaluable for this position. She also has served on the National Rules Kommittee, and served as the National Rules Kommittee Secretary at the 2004 National Convention. Again, Sandy brings some very solid and important kredentials to bring to the table.

In Kim Lehman’s letter she states “that leaders should keep these priorities: God, Family, Country, Republican Party.” She then goes on to say, “I strongly believe that if we do this, the role of government would be reduced and the social issues we struggle over would be resolved.”

Now I don’t disagree with her, but the position of National Kommitteewoman is a highly political one. I don’t get the sense from her letter that she understands how badly other states want to strip away our First in the Nation status.

What people need to understand is that Iowa should go first not just because it’s been that way for a long time, but because we take our privileged status very seriously and do it well. I’m konvinced that Iowa and New Hampshire are the only states that can really give any candidate a real shot. If the nomination process began in Ohio or Michigan the candidates with a huge bank role would be the only ones able to compete.

I know a lot of people think John McCain hates the Iowa Caucuses. He should be very thankful for them. It was the Iowa Caucuses which allowed an underdog like Huckabee to take root and grow while his initial campaign crumbled. Huckabee provided McCain cover and gave him some precious time to rebuild and capitalize on New Hampshire, another small state.

On the other hand if the first state was a larger one with multiple media markets, or if there were a cluster of states that kicked off the process McCain would have been DOA. I think it’s important to tell people why Iowa and New Hampshire are good at what they do, and why their status should continue.

Back to the National Committeewoman race. Kim is a very nice lady, and give her Krusty Kudos for the work she does with Iowa Right to Life. Sandy Greiner (who is also Pro-Life and was one hell of a legislator) knows how to operate in a highly political environment, and has the experience necessary to represent Iowa Republicans from day one, and help protect our First in the Nation Status.


  1. Great choice Krusty!

    She will do a fantastic job!

  2. I've never met either of these ladies before, but I do have one question that I hope the king of all media can answer.

    Krusty, my letter from Kim Lehamn says that she is the president of Iowa Right to Life which is a non-partisan entity yet she wants to be the national committeewoman for the state republican party? Doesn't that call into question whether or not they are really non-partisan and isn't IRTL tax exempt? Would this not undermine both her credibility as "non-partisan" and more importantly undermine the right to life movement with her in such a role? My thinking is we need those pro life democrats and to convince those on the other side of the isle who are not yet with us on the life issue.

    One more thing. Lehman lists her priorites in bullets points in sequential order. God, Family, Country, Republican Party. I heard she was recently divorced so I'm confused.

  3. The position of National Committeewoman is a very important one. It should be held by a person who will fully support ALL of our great Republican candidates running for office.

    Unfortunately, Ms. Lehman has publically spoken out against Republican candidates with whom she feels aren't "pro-life" enough.

    In fact, she called one of the 2nd District GOP Congressional Candidates a "wolf in sheep's clothing" on Deace in the Afternoon a couple of weeks ago.

    Is that a person we want representing ALL Republicans in this state? I want someone who will stand with our candidates as they go into battle in the fall.

  4. Isnt Greiner's nephew working in the Iowa Senate?

  5. I did some homework last night in preparation for convention weekend.. I pulled Iowa Right to Life's tax filing.

    Just so happens 70% of the 2006 budget went to staff salaries...not helping Republicans.

    Check it out for yourself!

  6. I used to live in Iowa, and enjoyed the old Krusty (before the long break) way more than this new team of hacks.

    Do you really need this forum to prop yourself up?

    Ok, we get it. You are helping Christopher Reed, and his victory gives you some sort of power.

    You are connected to Greiner, and her win will give you some sort of power.

    So what? People don't read blogs to figure out how to help empower and employ career political hacks.

    If you ever talk to the guys who used to write this blog, could you ask them to start a new one? It was way better "back in the day."

  7. Point well taken Krusty! Kim Lehman is a great gal, but doesn't have the political acumen or the stones to be a good National Committeewoman. My vote on Saturday will be cast for Greiner too.

  8. Krusty, Right on! She is the right candidate at the right time. There is a storm brewing on the national scene.We have what they all want...to be first. I have heard current Party leaders say "Oh we'll be okay. Don't worry." STOP SMOKING THE FUNNY CIGARETTES!! We are going to get hit hard this summer in Minneapolis. Sandy will do us proud and work her tail off for our state.
    My question Krusty readers is where is the McCain campaign on this decision. It is widely known that he has a cold place in his heart for our process.

  9. I'm tired of the same old politics in the Party. Sandy Greiner is a great gal but Kim Lehman is the new blood this pary needs or haven't you noticed we don't have the majority and like you say, the other states are after our first in the nation. Excuse me for noticing but the same old same olds arn't getting the job done and Sandy is part of the wood work. We need a person like Kim Lehman who knows how to connect with others and persuade. Politics as usual isn't working in Iowa. My vote goes to Lehman
