Last night one of the true titans in Iowa, Marvin Pomerantz passed away.
His passing creates a huge void which man never truly be filled. Just look below:
1976 – Iowa Campaign Manager for Gerald Ford
1977 – Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa Package Plan program
1978 – Campaign Manager for Governor Ray’s Last Campaign
1983 – Republican Party of Iowa State Finance Chairman
1986 – Finance Chairman for Branstad for Governor
1990 – Finance Chairman for Branstad for Governor
1994 – Finance Chairman for Branstad for Governor
2002 – Finance Chairman for Doug Gross for Governor
In addition to the above list he also was very active in raising funds for Bush 41 and Bush 43, and supported numerous Republican campaigns in the state. Pomerantz was even more involved in charitable organizations and was passionate about his support of education.
While some people give because they expect something for their investment, or they want to run for office. Pomerantz was unique because he his generosity had nothing to do with his own personal advancement. Instead he pushed for advancements in education that would afford everybody the ability to succeed.
I’m told his favorite question to ask people was “Is that the best you can do?” When you look at his accomplishments, I think he can answer his own question with one word; absolutely.
Rest in Peace
He did so much for education, this state and our party. He will be greatly missed.