Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Joe’s Debate

Have we ever seen a presidential debate that focused so much on one dude? Joe was mentioned by McCain 15 times and Obama 5 times. Joe’s question to Obama this week did something McCain and his thousands of paid consultants and campaign workers have not been able to do, expose Obama as a socialist. So while it’s easy to focus on Joe, McCain used him as an example for how Obama’s tax policies and health care programs work against the average American. Well done by McCain.

I thought McCain did what he needed to do tonight. The real question is did he do enough to change the dynamics of the race. I think there are some things to work with if you’re the McCain campaign. While the main street media think you have to stick your foot in your mouth to lose a debate or say something stupid, Obama gave the McCain a gift wrapped issue of Supreme Court Judges. Obama clearly stated that the next president may appoint the judges that determine the whether or not Roe v Wade is overturned.

These are key words for the evangelical vote, and Obama made it clear that he’s not going to do anything that would overturn the ruling. The McCain campaign must use the clip of Obama saying these things to engage the evangelical vote. I just question if he is willing to go there.

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