Thursday, October 23, 2008

Harkin and Reed Square off at IPTV Debate

Ultimate underdog Christopher Reed squares off in an IPTV debate today. Reed has absolutely nothing to lose so he should come out swinging against Harkin. Reed is a very reserved polite person, but when trying to slay goliath you have to go directly at him. I encourage everyone to check out the debate. The “conversation” airs tonight at 7 p.m.


  1. Chris Reed is monster bad ass!

  2. best wishes to Reed...even though he's a terrible candidate.

  3. hahahaha...this will be fun to watch. I wonder if Reed bought a new suit and got a haircut from his campaign funds for the debate.

  4. O yeah! At least Chris didn't spend YOUR money on numerous pork projects with his 30 some years in the Senate. So what if he got a suit. John Edwards got many 400.00 haircuts. So stop cryin'.

  5. Thats not all Edwards got on the campaign. WINK*
